Heart Health and
Navigating Menopause
Navigating Menopause and Movement
With the decrease in oestrogen as we go through our menopause transition we are at a great risk of cardiovascular disease.
Oestrogen is protective for our hearts:
Therefore, we need to find a way that we can keep our hearts healthy as we age.
There are certain lifestyle changes we can make to help our heart health
Healthy Diet
Regular Diet
Appropriate Weight
Not Smoking
Adequate Sleep
Daily movement is crucial as we age
Daily movement is really important, but we need to also be thinking about how we add in strength training to our weekly routine.
With any workout we want you to feel it but you should not feel exhausted later in the day after your exercise.
Key markers that you should reduce your levels of activity, look out for, hunger levels, cravings, or reduced energy levels.
Our helpful guide will give you an outline as to what exercise you should be doing and when. Download it below.